Virtual meetings have gone to the dogs...

2020 has been a wild ride so far, right? The current state of our world has required most of us to make some pretty drastic changes to the way that we live. Maybe you’re working from home now, or maybe there are more people in your home than usual, or there are new people in your home that don’t normally live there. Whatever the case may be for you, routines have changed for most everyone and these changes not only impact us, but can also have a huge impact on our Canine best Friends.

Training and guidance for our dogs during these times of change is essential, not only for their mental well-being, but also for ours. So why aren’t we training? Maybe your schedule hasn’t allowed for you to be able to commit to a group class. maybe with the ongoing pandemic you don’t feel comfortable in an in-person training setting. Or maybe you just don’t know where to begin. If you find that any of these reasons applies to you, I have another option.

As technologically challenged as I may be, 2020 has forced me to face my virtual fears, which has surprisingly turned out to be a lot of fun! With that being said, I am now offering Zoom training sessions as an alternative addition to traditional in-person training sessions. Even if we must social distance from one another, that doesn’t mean we can’t grow closer to our dogs through training. So what’s stopping you from training your dog? No more excuses! If 2020 has taught us anything, it has taught us to adapt to change and carry on however we must. so don’t give up! Go get your pup and lets try something new together!

Keep calm and train on,

Heather Pope

Heather Pope